Motivation, study habits not I.Q. determines growth in maths achievement

It’s not how smart students are but how motivated they are and how they study that determines their growth in math achievement. That’s the main finding of a study that looks at six annual waves of data from a German longitudinal study assessing math ability in 3,520 students in grades five to 10. Students who felt competent; were intrinsically motivated; and avoided rote learning showed more growth in math achievement than those who didn’t. … More Motivation, study habits not I.Q. determines growth in maths achievement

New Kinds of Maths Skills Needed in the Future

The nature of the mathematical skills required from competent citizens is changing. Gone are the days of inertly applying and performing standard calculations. The mathematical minds of the future will need to understand how different economic, social, technological and work-related processes can be mathematically represented or modeled. A project is exploring new pedagogical practices and technological environments to prepare students for the flexible use of their math skills in future environments. … More New Kinds of Maths Skills Needed in the Future