Found Maths in the Press

We have being working on some teaching aids to make Maths class sweeter, so we frequent the press.

Planned to be at the press a particular day to conclude onthe dimension we will use and I envisaged spending 30minutes thereabouts…how wrong I was.

We made prototypes and measured  them to ensure it would fit into the printing card. As much as I love cutting, I got tired and needed some shortcut, which I found (problem solving).


The search for shortcut made us use maths principles such as estimation, division, multiplication etc but the shortcut didn’t eliminate finding the perimeter of the entire item and sub sections countless times.

The supposed 30 minutes work lasted over 3hours.

Just as expected, I drew the attention of the printer to several maths principles we used simply because we wanted to print.

Memories of the conventional shape class flashed and I compared it to what we just did in the last few hours, the difference is clear.

I thought…

How about making children spend a day in the press (or another place where measurement is used) after learning Area and Perimeter?

Can we have a class project on this?

Can anyone truly run from Maths?

Printing business is something the average person think they don’t need education for, but it’s there! A lot of maths… Maybe that’s why some printers damage clients work and waste paper making you pay more.

Dear student, if you are running from Maths in School you will meet it in real life, better embrace it now.

Dear Maths Teacher, stop representing Maths in the abstract form only.

Dear Parent, invest in your Children’s maths sense.

The Lifematics Centre…making you love Maths

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